Welcome to Chaps for an Anti-Racist Eanes (C.A.R.E.)!
We are an independent group of students, alumni, families, and community members advocating for Eanes ISD to be actively anti-racist, ensuring that all students and families, especially those of color, are able to pursue an excellent education.
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Founded in 2020.C.A.R.E. was founded in June of 2020 after the horrific killing of George Floyd. Inspired by activists around the country, C.A.R.E.'s founders wanted to push the community and specifically the school system that they grew up in to be actively anti-racist. With an initial letter with over 800 signatures sent to the EISD Board and administrators, the work has grown to hold the district accountable to reforming a system that has failed to be excellent.
Why does this work matter?Eanes ISD (the only public school district in the Austin suburb of Westlake) has historically not been an inclusive place for students and families of color. With stories of overt and covert racism existing across all campuses in EISD, C.A.R.E. wants to ensure